What My Clients Say


How I have made a Positive Impact in the lives of others, coaching them to success.

Having a CFP® Professional like Russell is probably one of my best investments to date, I feel a lot more confidant with my finances and look forward to the growth of my financial acumen and future.

Russell Ho has been nothing short of amazing when it comes to my finances thus far and turning a rather dire situation right around; with his financial services, attention to my personal financial needs and coaching we were able to find a viable solution to my long-standing tax problem.

Having been previously disappointed by multiple Financial Advisers, Russell was (and still is) always an email, phone call and text away during this year’s financial journey – he was always ready to rest my mind at ease and guide me when it came to making important financial decisions, such as moving my portfolios to a more tax-friendly investment solution, protecting my biggest assets and creating a Will and Capital legacy plan in the event of my passing.

Having a CFP® Professional like Russell is probably one of my best investments to date, I feel a lot more confidant with my finances and look forward to the growth of my financial acumen and future.

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